Amber Heard’s Ba Zi chart
Her Self is Bing Fire, and it sits on Shen (Monkey). Therefore, her Day Pillar (who she is) is Bing Shen – Fire Monkey. In this pillar, Bing Self sits on Intelligence Star, producing smart, witty, and versatile individuals, who rely on their intelligence a lot. However, while some of them direct this Star into reading, studying, and writing, the others might use it to find shortcuts, or to push personal agenda and justify own interests. In the same way, as we can find numerous bright people among Bing Shen individuals, this pillar can also produce scammers and skilled con people. Since this particular intelligence Star is also these people’s Wealth Star, they tend to invest themselves a lot into thinking about wealth, business, etc. (it’s inherent part of their nature). Although their basic character (as Bing person) is cheerful, shiny, and happy, when Fire is strong in the chart, Fire people might become self-centered, determined, and opinionated, craving attention. This is also when they could feel some kind of grandeur about themselves, having an idea that they are smarter, better, more capable, etc. Since Resource is very strong in Heard’s chart, she is also creative, talented, and capable. However, this particular resource also makes people self-contradicting, secretive, moody, changeable, and calculative; they might also fight with a lots of fears and insecurities throughout life.Amber Heard’s Ba Zi chart: rooted EG (being also the structure of her chart)
EG typically produces kind, thoughtful, and careful individuals, who like to indulge themselves, while accommodating others (they can be also labeled as people pleasers). Since they desire to be liked, they want to present themselves as good as possible. This type of output belongs to creative people who appreciate beauty, and who want to lead a carefree life, enjoying in everything life has to offer: good food, quality clothes, etc. Heard was born in Chen (Dragon) month; this particular Storage Star gives a lots of secrets, including contradicting hidden personality. Besides, her chart shows confusion between proper and moral (DO) on one side, and shortcuts and personal desires (7K) on the other. Prominent 7K Star also represents grudges, revenge, aggression, and enmity.
Amber Heard’s Ba Zi chart
Amber Heard’s Ba Zi chart: her current luck (2020-2029)
The current luck brought HO Star, that represents everything opposite to peace and harmony. Importantly, it negatively affects men in female’s life, bringing hectic lifestyle, with numerous changes. This Star is significant particularly for women, because it gives them a burning desire to become mothers (and this is where Heard could not resist the calling coming from her chart). Since the current luck cycle also shows Clash to her IR Star, this commonly gives rise to hard to diagnose health issues, anxiety, fears and – general emotional and mental instability.How did the Water Tiger year of 2022 affect her chart?
Water Tiger year came bringing personal clash to Heard; this is undoubtfully a very BAD time for going to court, especially public. Since the overall atmosphere is instable throughout the year, receiving support, and winning sympathy are not likely. In addition, her wealth being clashed denotes financial losses and problems with funds and liquidity… So yes, not a great year for a public trial.Awarded Chinese Astrology book!