Your Ba Zi, Your Destiny

Your Ba Zi, Your Destiny

Your Ba Zi, Your Destiny Stop comparing your Ba Zi chart to someone else’s. Their elements, stars, and story are not yours to carry. There are no better or worse charts, no superior or inferior lives. Every Ba Zi is a singular blueprint, a cosmic signature written in the language of the universe. Your chart […]

Ding Fire Self

Ding Fire Self

Ding Fire Self Meet the Ding Fire Self! 🕯️ Ding Fire individuals are known for their understanding, compassionate, and supportive natures. Their gentle, kind, and refined approach has earned them many acquaintances and friends. These elegant individuals pay close attention to their appearance, and Ding Fire women are often noted for their beauty. A safe […]

The Five Elements and Self

The Five Elements and Self

The Five Elements and Self The Five Elements infuse our Self, shaping our personalities and destinies. 🌟 For example, the Wood Self people are driven by growth and creativity, always seeking new horizons and innovation. Fire individuals ignite passion and enthusiasm, bringing warmth and dynamic energy to everything they do. We’re starting a journey to […]

Martha Stewart part 2

Martha Stewart part 2

Martha Stewart part 2 Ba Zi Case Studies Martha’s Luck Pillars and the most important happenings in her life Martha Stewart’s achievements are truly remarkable. However, her career and life have faced several crossroads that challenged her accomplishments. She is like a phoenix, rising from the ashes multiple times—returning to celebrity status and regaining popularity […]



Martha Stewart Ba Zi Case Studies She is a celebrity chef, caterer, gardener, writer, TV show host, and CEO of billion-dollar companies. Additionally, she is Snoop Dogg’s best friend and a valuable business partner; they often hang out and collaborate on various projects. Martha is a charming, intelligent, and multi-talented individual who remains somewhat of […]



Travels “He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left.”  Travel brings necessary change, opening our eyes to different landscapes and cultures – changing us and enriching our lives.  In Chinese astrology, Ba Zi, it is well known that the inherent characteristic of the Zodiac signs Snake, Tiger, Monkey, and Pig is that they seek changes  – as they like to travel.  However, […]



Happines “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.”  Happiness is our natural state of mind. However, sometimes (especially in certain 10-year life cycles and specific years), it is easy to forget that one can be happy despite dealing with challenging circumstances and worrying about unfulfilled dreams. On the other hand, there are also times when finding the inner happy place becomes […]

Petty people

Petty people

Petty people Chinese proverb: “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself.”  Sometimes, we can become targets of mean, empty, and dissatisfied people who tend to project their anger on us.  At such times, it is essential to stay centered and not let yourself be distracted and upset, especially by professional haters. In 2025, the following Zodiac signs will more often meet […]



Mistakes “Failure is the mother of success.”  We sometimes make mistakes because we are tired or stressed out. At other times, we are overwhelmed with work, specific situations, or people. In 2025, the following signs will be more prone to making mistakes: TIGER, PIG  – overly strained and stressed out MONKEY – absentminded Due to being occupied with personal matters, […]

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth “To know yourself is true wisdom.”  Each 10-year luck cycle – as every year – brings specific growth challenges and opportunities for each of the twelve Zodiac signs. Some life lessons are easy at these times, while others require attention, energy, learning, and commitment. In 2025, the following signs will stand out for their growth capabilities: RATS, MONKEYS […]