Ba Zi Case Studies 2024: MATTHEW PERRY

Ba Zi Case Studies 2024: MATTHEW PERRY

We know him as the Emmy-nominated actor and star of the sitcom “Friends.”
His co-stars and fans adored him not only for his acting skills but also for his quick wit and irresistible sense of humor. However, Matthew Perry was also known for his long and challenging battle with addiction. His biography reveals that he went through rehabilitation several times and was generous and committed to supporting others on their path to recovery.

But who was Matthew Perry, according to Ba Zi?
Let’s explore his life, destiny, and luck to gain a better understanding of his life story that ended with a ketamine overdose in 2023.

Matthew Perry’s Ba Zi chart

Geng –  YIN
Ren Ji – YOU

Perry’s Ba Zi chart shows that his Self was Bing, Yang Fire.
The image of this Self is the big fire – the fire of the Sun.

The Bing people are known for their fun, open, and generous nature, which is often compared to the fire of the sun. They are cheerful and playful individuals with an excellent sense of humor and a contagious laugh. They enjoy socializing and going out, as they have a zest for life. When at their best, they can inspire, motivate, and illuminate those around them.

On the negative side, Bing people can be self-absorbed and focused solely on their things and needs. At times, they might appear listless, lacking a more profound interest or understanding of others’ concerns and problems.

Resource-related talents and issues

When analyzing someone’s Ba Zi chart, we look at the strength of the Five Elements and corresponding Ten Gods to gain insight into their surroundings and specific aspects of their lives. Another crucial factor we consider is the strength of one’s Self or Day Master.

For example, if someone’s Self is weak by the season they were born, we consider them “desperate” for Resources. In this case, it’s essential to note that the Ba Zi chart shows that Perry’s Self is weak because he was born at the beginning of Autumn. However, the good news is that Self here “sits” on Resources, bringing unique talents (his acting talent was undoubtedly a part of this structure). Interestingly, this resource is also typically linked to instincts and intuition.

However, this type of Resource (IR) also shows instability, sudden changes, and fluctuating luck. IR also makes people insecure, overly sensitive, and prone to irrational fears. They often  change their mood, affections, ways, and goals. The Self, in this case, feels lonely and overwhelmed with a sense that they are not getting what they need from the world around them.

Since the lessons brought up by IR are not easy to understand, most people manage to master it only when they reach a certain age and after working on themselves for a while (which can help them to recognize and eventually master the prevalent patterns of IR).

Since Resources in Ba Zi are linked to confidence, a sense of security, and health, we want them to be rooted and strong. Despite the common misbelief, we don’t wish to have more IR stars in the chart – as we don’t want our resource stars to be clashed or harmed (or combined). When Resources have clashed, this typically leads to specific issues, including health ailments and relationship problems (an unresolved business with the mother).

Based on available information about his life, he was constantly trying to find ways to strengthen himself (supplements, therapy, etc.).

 Wealth capacity from the Ba Zi chart

Regarding the strength of the Five Elements, the strongest Element in the chart is Metal, which represents – Wealth.
The wealth Element appears both in the year and month pillars of the chart, and it’s rooted (hence, it is powerful).

Minding the strength of the Wealth element, we can say that destiny has provided Perry with excellent wealth potential. Getting rich was just a matter of the right time when one could overcome personal insecurities and apply capabilities.
However, in Ba Zi, we have a saying that “too much wealth deteriorates health.”

This saying warns us that one’s Self or Day Master has to be strong to handle wealth – without damaging health. 

Other interesting things about Matthew Perry’s Ba Zi chart

It is easy to notice that his Self sits on Intelligence Star – providing him with a quick and unconventional mind and a great capacity to learn and understand (this Intelligence Star is also an IR Star).

Since the Self here also sits on the Sky Horse star, people are active, alert, and always ready for movement. They feel good when being active, as they might feel down or depressed when spending time inside and not having much to do.

The Clash between Two Sky Horses is specific, announcing issues in traffic and possible accidents while in movement (A jet ski accident sent him to hospital for a while in 1997). It is also an indication of the surgeries… 

Matthew Perry’s Luck

For this text, we will briefly evaluate four 10-year luck pillars.
As you probably know, each ten-year luck cycle affects one’s life positively or negatively – depending on the elements and interaction between the Twelve Branches. Some 10-year Luck Cycles continue the already-known trends, while others deliver significant changes. Similarly, while some cycles affect only one pillar, the others affect all four, bursting with activity and changes.


1992-2001 – Ji Si
2002-2011 – Wu Chen
2012-2021 – Ding Mao
2022-2031 – Bing Yin  (Fu Yin)

Luck Pillar 1992-2001
This Luck Pillar was a part of the Fire Luck, governed by another Sky Horse star (Si, Snake). Since the Fire luck was auspicious for Perry, we deem this pillar favorable.
The first thing that caught the eye is that this LP affected ALL FOUR Pillars of his Ba Zi chart, making this period very active. Many happenings were almost overwhelming at times – because there was no break necessary for a person to recover and gather the energy.

However, although this period was auspicious for his popularity, it also came with Harm and Punishment. 

The next question we should ask is the following: WHAT was harmed and punished? The answer is his resource! When harmed, Resources negatively affect not only confidence but also health. (bringing also injuries and accidents). Therefore, auspicious Elements can also bring issues, depending on the afflictions to the Teng Gods.

Health-related, 1997 was the year when Perry was admitted to the hospital due to pancreatitis; it was also the year when he had a jet ski accident.

The Five Elements related, this was a year of full Metal combo (Rooster in his Year Pillar also combines at this time to produce Metal – an unfavorable Element for him). In addition, 1997 brought six combinations and destruction with his month pillar- while also creating another negative Element, Water).

This is where we can see that one auspicious luck pillar can bring numerous great things, like tremendous success, career rise, popularity, and wealth increase. However, at the very same time, one can also suffer from numerous personal difficulties and issues (especially during specific years).

Luck Pillar 2002-2011
This Luck Pillar (Output luck) affected the month and year pillars.
The Elements produced were Metal and Water; although generally unfavorable for the weak Fire person, Metal still brought Wealth, while Water brought status. At the beginning of this Luck Pillar, Perry’s earnings had risen to one million per episode of “Friends,” while he was nominated for an Emmy.
We can say that this was a very successful period for career and wealth, but since it was not strengthening his Self, he couldn’t enjoy his accomplishments. When describing this period, he said that he was feeling awful, that he was “scary skinny,” and couldn’t remember filming most episodes of “Friends.”

Luck Pillar 2012-2021
This luck pillar is yet another example of mixed luck.
This Direct Resource luck also brought him his most favorable Element – Wood (auspicious!).
However, this Wood also came with a Clash.🙁
And when the most needed Element clashes, this doesn’t deliver good news.
To mention just the year 2018, when he spent two months in a hospital in an induced coma – due to a severe colon rapture.

Luck Pillar 2022-2033
Unfortunately, this was his last 10-year Luck Pillar.
In a similar manner to some pillars before, this one brought favorable Elements, but it also came with a Fu Yin “gift.”
In Ba Zi, we recognize Fu Yin as a troubling time that brings health issues, depression, anxiety, suffering, losses, and sorrow.
Everything intensified and got worse with the arrival of 2022 – which brought yet another Tiger – another IR that engaged in the clash.
This was too much for his chart because he was already dealing with Resource-type Fu Yin “luck.”

Ba Zi Case Studies 2024: MATTHEW PERRY

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