Ba Zi Consultations

Ba Zi Consultations with Althea
Althea’s Ba Zi Consultations can help you to understand the potentials of your chart and the influence of the cycles of changes, that affect certain aspects of your life in very specific ways.
Therefore, Ba Zi Consultation is a great gift that you can give to yourself (and others) because this is the only gift that can help you to get a perspective of your life as a whole. Althea’s role is to help you to make a sense of your past and to understand the happenings at this very moment of your life.
The purpose of this evaluation is not only informative, but also educative, in a sense that it can help you to find the best ways to make the most out of your inherent potentials and opportunities at hand.
Ba Zi Consultation is a very useful source of information for people who want to understand their health, relationship, career, and wealth. It can also prove valuable to those interested in psychology, metaphysics, and personal growth.
With this Consultation, it is also possible to unveil one’s unique talents, and shortcoming – as to anticipate the crux points, and the right time to shine.
Althea’s Ba Zi Consultation is also a great choice for everyone who wants to help themselves and others to live their best life.

Ba Zi consultations - schedule your consultation to:
- gain a deep understanding of your life and luck
- apply your potentials
- tune-in with the cycles of change (what? when?)
- find the best strategy for certain years (how to handle opportunities and challenges)
- live your best life

Choose your Ba Zi consultation(s):
All Ba Zi Consultations are conducted personally by Althea.
(FT, Zoom, Google, Whatsapp or Viber)
What will you gain from Ba Zi consultations?
* Understanding of your Ba Zi chart and the basic tendencies of your destiny and luck.
* Anticipation of the upcoming changes.
* Broader perspective of your life and/or business.
* Coming to terms with limitations that come with every destiny.
* Understanding the price that one has to pay for some special gifts.
* Awareness of both general and current dynamics that affect your life right now.
* Knowledge about the timing that requires specific responses (is it time to wait or to make a move?).
* Everything you might need to make right personal or business decisions and/or to redefine the goals.
* Understanding of your health, constitution, strong and weak organs.
* Understanding of your love life and the patterns that affect your relationships.
* Comprehension about your potentials in regard to career, wealth, and business.
* The best ways to enhance your potentials and induce personal growth and development.
* Understanding of the cycles of life, i.e., the interchange of opportunities with challenges.
Drop us an email to schedule your Ba Zi Consultation!