Basic Principles of Ba Zi: The Four Pillars

Basic Principles of Ba Zi: The Four Pillars

Ba Zi, also known as Four Pillars of Destiny, is a form of Chinese astrology. It examines how the year, month, day, and hour of a person’s birth influence their life path.

Ba Zi is also called the Five Elements astrology because it assesses the strength of the
Elements – that help us understand the nuances of one’s destiny and luck.

The Ba Zi chart consists of the Four Pillars – hence the alternative name of the method: The Four Pillars of Destiny. Each Pillar represents a different stage of life, showing surroundings from the widest to the closest one.

Here are the basic qualities of the four pillars of the Ba Zi chart and how they influence an individual’s destiny:
1. Year Pillar: The year pillar represents the external environment and societal influences – not only at the time of birth but in general. It provides insights into the person’s early years of life, generational traits, cultural influences, and the wider background.
2. Month Pillar: The month pillar reflects a person’s character. It reveals personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations that influence a person’s interaction with the world. This pillar also represents one’s career, job, and business.
3. Day Pillar: The day pillar is the home for an individual’s Self (or Day Master), which is equal to the Soul. The Self reveals the unique qualities, talents, and potential inherent within a person. This pillar also shows one’s partner and the quality of marriage.
4. Hour Pillar: The hour pillar signifies one’s wishes and dreams. It is also the pillar of our children and everything we create. Time and age-related, the Hour Pillar refers to the last part of one’s life path, showing a person’s challenges in the process of aging.

In Ba Zi, we also evaluate the pillars as external, or internal. The external ones are a year and month pillar, while the external ones are the day and hour pillar. For example, being the most external, the year pillar shows how others perceive us. On the other hand, the hour pillars as the most internal one represent a secluded part of our personality – known only to those we are very close to. In the same way, while the year pillar shows our childhood and upbringing, the hour pillar reveals the end of the life journey.

Together, the four pillars of the Ba Zi Chinese astrology chart form a comprehensive framework for understanding an individual’s destiny and life path. By analyzing the interactions and dynamics between the pillars, a Ba Zi practitioner can provide valuable insights and guidance for navigating patterns, anticipating changes and challenges, and fulfilling one’s potential.

Basic Principles of Ba Zi: The Four Pillars

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