Creativity “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” Creativity requires being open to new challenges, solutions, and knowledge. We need that influx of creativity to grasp the potential of each situation, solve problems with innovation, and open new doors or windows in our lives. In 2025, the following signs will be under the influence of creative energies: OX – art & […]
Category Archives: Chinese Astrology 2025
Stability Chinese Proverb: “A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor.” Some years bring unstable energy to specific Zodiac signs, affecting their private life and business. Goals and finances-wise, such years are unsuitable for risky ventures and get-rich-quick type of investments. In 2025., their overall luck will be less stable: PIG – changes, a lot of unexpected happenings SNAKE – Instability Star, […]
Power and Authority in 2025
Power and Authority “He who has all the sayings has no way.” One’s Ba Zi chart clearly shows one’s power and authority level. However, in Ba Zi, it is not only about destiny but also about luck, which changes every ten years. In such a way, specific 10-year luck cycles (and years) can open the path to power for particular individuals. This is […]
Partnership Teal Swan: “A true partnership is when two people come together to create something greater than themselves.” Having a good partner, both in life and business, is everything. Good partners will add unique value to a relationship or business while complementing us simultaneously. In 2025, the following signs will be able to find a […]
Opposition and disputes in 2025
Opposition and disputes Dalai Lama: “The more we care about what people think, the more we lose ourselves in the process.” Relationships are not easy, and they require much work. Since most people are not petty or evil, most relationship issues result from misunderstandings. Some misunderstandings and hurt are caused by a poor choice of words or an unfortunate interpretation of what others said (per the current state of mind). Also, sometimes […]
Problems and solutions
Problems & Solutions Byron Katie: “When you argue with reality, you lose, but only 100% of the time.” In 2025, the following signs will be more affected by complicated situations (more problems): TIGER – injuries, paying for others’ mistakes, lingering problems DRAGON– health issues ROOSTER – disputes that can end in legal problems PIG – impulsiveness and misunderstandings create issues; also, they could easily overspend on themselves When it […]
Fame Byron Katie: “What you appreciate, appreciates. What you depreciate, depreciates.” “A life without fame can be a good life. but fame without life is not a life at all.” Clive James Fame is not a requirement for satisfaction or happiness but can be a valuable tool for obtaining goals and acquiring financial success. When it comes to fame and popularity, 2025. will work […]
Injuries and accidents
Injuries and accidents Chinese Proverb: “The old man lost his horse, but who knows if it was a blessing in disguise?” In 2025., the following signs will be more prone to accidents and injuries: TIGER – physical harm, injuries due to theft OX, RABBIT – minor injuries (cuts) PIG – injuries due to stress and lack of focus Those born under the days of the Tiger should be careful in […]
Financial Management
Financial Management Kiyosaki: “It is not how much money you make but how much you keep.” In the previous post, you could have read more about the twelve Zodiac signs’ wealth luck in the Snake Year. However, the overall financial results of their activities also depend on how well they can manage their finances. The […]
Wealth Byron Katie: “A rich person is not one who has the most money, but one who needs the least.” Each year distinctively affects the wealth luck of the twelve Zodiac signs. While specific years bring new opportunities, supporting wealth growth and business expansion, the best we can do at other times is just lay low and be okay with what we have. In 2025, the following signs will be blessed with good […]