Johnny Depp’s Ba Zi chart
Johnny Depp’s Self is Gui, hence he is Yin Water person.
His Day Pillar (who he is) is Gui Wei – Water Goat.
Gui is rain water, and also a dew; these images point out to Gui’s changeable nature (they can be quite unpredictable). At their best, Gui are emotional, gentle, understanding, and compassionate beings. They are also intelligent and witty individuals, with great sense of humor, and desire for having fun!
This Gui Self is not strong, because Depp was born in summer, when Water Element is weak. This fact may point out to health issues and the need for others’ presence and approval. Being a delicate Self, Gui has to have a stable life, with trustful partner; when certainty lacks from their everyday life, they can get confused, and lost.
The structure of Depp’s chart is Indirect Wealth.
And yes, this is the key element of his good wealth luck, although the structure is also about one’s character, interests, talents, etc. As an IW person, he definitely knows wealth, and is able to earn with same easiness he shows when it comes to spending. Actually, this type of wealth is often present in the charts of generous people who like going out and having good time, who like to party, drink, do cocaine, eat good food, spend on women, wine, clothes, sun glasses, watches, holidays, etc. They are also interested in investments, and with right help, they can be very successful in that field. Since everything said is in accordance with what is publicly known about his life, we may assume with great probability that Depp is in tune with his life path.

Johnny’s Depp Ba Zi chart
Johnny Depp’s Ba Zi chart: what about his love life?
Depp’s women are also represented by IW Star. Although this Star combined with another Branch is typically not a big deal, it is also not a good sign when it comes to stable and lasting relationship. IW Star men like women, and with this particular combination Depp prefers women from his own profession (or similar ones). In addition, being a person who appreciates beauty, he loves and attracts beautiful women. However, since his love life is also under influence of Destruction, there are always some issues in his love life. This destruction is also the main cause of Depp’s tendency to exaggerate, and get carried away by the moment, losing himself in destructive habits like drinking, smoking, heavy partying, etc. (all these negatively influencing his love life, as well). His relationships also do not last because there is no DW Star in his chart, that represents wife for males, supporting stable relationship. Plus, a combined Star (7K!) in the spouse palace opens up a door to the third person to interfere…
When it comes to question about Depp’s aggression, his spouse palace clearly shows 7K, the Star of aggression – hence no peace in relationship for him (a fight for control between spouses). However, since this 7K is (soft) Earth Star, it mostly manifests in the form of stubbornness, sarcasm, and procrastination. His chart shows that he can be very irritable, and impatient, as he can be hurtful when someone steps on his toes. Although he tends to be silent and tolerant for the most of time, when discomfort lasts for a long time, he could lose his patience for good.
Depp’s overall love luck is also affected by Luck Cycles: 10-year periods. For example, the current Luck Cycle shows Harm to his spouse palace, denoting betrayal, together with other painful and lingering issues. The Clash with the month pillar also affects his love luck, bringing upsetting emotional issues. Relationship issues got worsened particularly during 2020, although 2021 was also not a great year for Depp’s love life.
Although his love luck is going to change for better with a new luck cycle (that starts from 2024), it would be wise move for him to settle all existing issues with the ex until 2023 – because of the upcoming Destruction. However, there are also some good news! Minding that his Wealth Star (representing spouse) appears again in 2026 and 2027, this announces a probability of another marriage – or at least a fulfilling relationship. There is more good news for him, because Depp’s wealth luck is also going to improve at that time…
Johnny Depp’s Ba Zi chart and Water Tiger year – 2022
The year of 2022 came with a gift for Depp, in the form of Three Combinations.
This Combo brings sympathy and public support (unlike 2022 and 2021), hence for him this was really the best possible time for a public trial. This alignment (Three Combinations) makes people likeable, hence everything he should have done in 2022 was to get good lawyers and gather right social media people – who would make everything work his ways. (On the opposite side, being under personal clash in 2022, Heard experienced issues with image and loss of wealth).
Structure of the chart: IW (these people like having good time and fun)
Special Chart: personal Qi transformation (“left cuddling, right hugging”).
Johnny’s Depp Ba Zi chart and his current Luck: 2014-2023
The current luck cycle shows Clash, Harm and Punishment acting on Depp’s Ba Zi, that are not the signs of the smooth sailing. Harm and Punishment bring betrayal in one’s personal life, creating also career and wealth issues, and possible health problems. Since F Star clashes career palace, popularity and defamation go hand in hand at this time, especially during 2020 and 2021.
Luckily for him, this challenging 10-year period is coming to an end during 2023 (and 2022 surely helped him a lot). As I have stated,
Depp enters a new luck cycle from 2024, that will be much better for him…