Power and authority

Power and authority

“Power doesn’t corrupt people; people corrupt power.”
W. Gaddis

One’s Ba Zi chart clearly shows one’s power and authority level.

However, in Ba Zi, it is not only about destiny but also about luck, which changes every ten years.

In such a way, specific 10-year luck cycles (and years) can open the path to power for particular individuals. This is when they can acquire strong connections and improve their status and position…

In 2024., the following signs will more easily gain power:

RAT – natural leadership
SNAKE – decisive and determined
ROOSTER, MONKEY, RAT – making alliances with influential people 

In 2024, Roosters and Rats could gain power through alliances with influential people.

Snakes will be execution-oriented in 2024, with an aura of initiative and action.

When it comes to Rats, they gain power through their leadership abilities and good luck.

Power and authority

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Chinese astrology downloads, Rooster, Snake and Ox in 2023, Ba Zi 2023 vs. petty people

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