The Wood Dragon year 2024

The Wood Dragon year 2024

2024 is a Wood Dragon Year. Chinese proverb

Since Dragon has a good relationship with Rat, Monkey, and Rooster, these signs will be blessed with good relationship luck. You should expect general relationship improvements if you have one of these signs anywhere in your Ba Zi chart. The aspect of your life that will be most influenced depends on the pillar(s) these signs occupy.

Follow the link to learn about the Four Pillars of Ba Zi Chinese astrology.

Regarding the signs that do not get along well with Dragon, their relationship luck will be bumpier.

The first to mention is the Dog because this sign clashes with the Dragon (equal to the opposition in Western astrology). Thus, if you were born on the day of Dog, 2024 will bring you more relationship challenges; if you were born in the Dog month (October), then your career will be affected most, etc.

Knowing that some kind of a change is inevitable (for you as a Dog or Rabbit), you can either play it cool and wait for issues to emerge – or start planning how to initiate the changes to maintain control. In professional consultations, we always advise our clients to embrace the necessity of change and plan and create the changes accordingly. One example of such changes is accepting a position requiring travel because this will bring necessary changes, giving the Dogs and Rabbits more control over their lives.

Regarding other Zodiac signs and their luck in 2024, those with Rabbits in their chart will have complicated relationships. In the Wood Dragon year, they might expect miscommunications, hurtful things, and possible legal issues.

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Chinese astrology downloads, Rooster, Snake and Ox in 2023, Ba Zi 2023 vs. petty people

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