Depp vs. Heard in Ba Zi
anatomy of a defamation case
2022 will be remembered, apart from the Ukraine war and increasing life costs, for the most famous defamation US trial, Depp vs. Heard.
Since this love-greed-wealth-addiction-abuse-adultery-divorce-defamation case was open to public, in no time it transformed into reality show. Minding Depp’s popularity, the trial very soon became the main feed for media, click baiting us all the time from majority of posts, news, reels, feeds, etc. Everyone craving attention was using this trial to increase own popularity – because people were waiting for more each day. Various psychologists and psychiatrists, together with body language experts and FBI specialists joined the reality defamation show, being consulted by media on a daily basis. During the course of the trial, some charming and witty lawyers stood out, becoming stars themselves.
For me personally, the defamation trial very soon grew into saddening, and ridiculous show, with rather expected results. However, it was also kind of funny at times, mostly due to Depp’s subtle sense of humor (‘Giant pint of wine’; ‘I guess it’s hearsay’, etc.).
Anyways, the things turned unexpectedly for Heard, and the self-proclaimed abusee soon appeared to be an abuser, too. She didn’t help herself at this trial; her stone-face appearance that Heard kept throughout the trial gave an impression that her limited facial expressions were due to injected Botox. At the same time, defamed Depp acted in a quite relaxed manner, doodling, posing, whispering, and sharing funny remarks; all these also brought him loads of sympathy.
When it comes to public, people from around the world took an active part in this trial, showing that nothing can exist without opinions, taking sides and engaging into conflicts. Not having anything better to do, certain individuals were incessantly arguing about who was lying, and who was not; who was actual abuser; who was really guilty, etc. In their mind, they became members of a jury, hence they were busy with verdict and sentencing. As we typically tend to project our interests and issues on others, there were also voices arguing that the case was about women’s rights, adultery, abuse, addiction – or some other favorite subject.
Regarding the main protagonists, it is not easy to classify either Depp or Heard into the victim/abuser category. Instead of taking sides, we can just try to understand who they are – and where they are at this very moment of their lives. There is one simple way to do this: by assessing their charts.
Read the following posts to learn more!
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