The Basic Principle of Ba Zi: the Twelve Branches – Part 1

The Basic Principle of Ba Zi: the Twelve Branches
Part 1

Complementing the Ten Stems are the Twelve Branches, also known as the Earthly Branches or Zi Wei. These Branches symbolize the earthly manifestations of the celestial energies and are associated with the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.

The Twelve Branches are Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai.
1. Zi (子): Zi
In Chinese astrology, Zi is also known as Rat.
Its Element is Water, the organs are the kidneys, and the direction is the North 2 (true North). Zi is known for its intelligence, resourcefulness, and wisdom. It belongs to the 2 groups of Zodiac signs: it is a Cardinal sign and a Peach Blossom star. As a Peach Blossom star, Zi is conscious of appearance and interested in everything related to love.
2. Chou (丑): Ox
In Chinese astrology, Chou is also known as Ox.
Its Element is Earth, the organ is the spleen, and the direction is the Northeast 1. Chou is known for being stable, rational, practical, and hardworking. Chou individuals tend to follow their own pace, following the motto “better safe than sorry”. They are loyal friends and family-oriented individuals, who like family reunions and “good old times”.
3. Yin (寅): Tiger
In Chinese astrology, Yin is also known as Tiger.
Its Element is Wood, the organ is the gallbladder, and the direction is the Northeast 3. Since Yin is a Travelling Star, it produces people with initiative, who like movement, being active, and starting new ventures. They are known for their enthusiasm and energetic attitude, and it is important for them to have a goal to attain. Although they are altruistic, generous, and protective, they can also be impatient and prone to anger outbursts.
4. Mao (卯): Rabbit
In Chinese astrology, Mao is also known as Rabbit.
Its Element is Wood, the organ is the liver, and the direction is the East 2. Mao is generally known for being friendly, kind, gentle, caring, respectful, and calm. They are people-oriented individuals who value society, friends, and family members. Since Mao belongs to the Cardinal Zodiac signs group, also known as Peach Blossom Stars, it produces individuals who are very interested in love, relationships, and family values.
5. Chen (辰): Dragon
In Chinese astrology, Chen is also known as Dragon.
Its Element is Earth, the organ is the Stomach (and abdomen), and the direction is the Southeast 1. Chen is known for its decisive, competitive, and ambitious nature; when they are up to something, it is unlikely that they will change direction or cease pursuing their goal. Since it belongs to the Graveyards group of Zodiac signs, Chen is also persistent, tough, resilient, reserved, practical, and interested in material possessions.
6. Si (巳): Snake
In Chinese astrology, Si is also known as Snake.
Its Element is Fire, the organs are the small intestines, and the direction is the Southeast 3. Since Si is a Travelling Star, it produces curious and inquisitive people, who always have some new interests, and who like being active. The Fire Element makes Si individuals enthusiastic, dynamic, and passionate about life.

The Basic Principle of Ba Zi: the Twelve Branches

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