The Basic Principles of Ba Zi: The Ten Stems – Part 2

The Basic Principles of Ba Zi: The Ten Stems
Part 2

The Ten Stems, also known as Ten Heavenly Stems or Shi Zhi, represent the celestial
influences in Ba Zi analysis. Each stem is associated with one of the five Chinese Elements — Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, embodying specific characteristics and attributes. 

The Ten Heavenly Stems are: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui.

6. Ji (己): Also associated with Earth, Ji symbolizes the Yin Earth: fertile, giving, and nourishing. It embodies the essence of motherhood and caretaking. Ji Earth is a provider, who takes care of the needs of their surroundings. On the other hand, this Earth tends to be too available, spreading too thin, and exhausting itself.
7. Geng (庚): Representing Yang Metal, Geng exudes strength, resilience, and precision. Since it also symbolizes usefulness, structure, protection, and authority, it represents government, police, and military. Known for the ability to cut through obstacles, Geng has the other side: forcefulness, lack of understanding, and incapability to adapt.
8. Xin (辛): Another manifestation of Metal, Xin embodies sharpness, intelligence, and adaptability. Being a shiny piece of metal, Xin represents attractiveness, creativity,
precision, and performance. It also signifies resilience in adversity, street smartness, and the ability to navigate challenges.
9. Ren (壬): Symbolizing Yang Water, Ren represents flow, calmness, intelligence, emotions and inner strength. It symbolizes resourcefulness and the power of adaptation because the river always finds its way. Its strength can be seen in changing sizes, where one small river could become a lake, or a sea of the ocean. It contains hidden danger, because the calm surface of the water can suddenly transform into tides, causing floods and tsunamis.
10. Gui (癸): Also associated with Water, Gui symbolizes the Yin side of the Water Element: calm, deep, gentle, wise and intuitive. It is receptive and flexible, easy to adapt to different people and changes of circumstances. It signifies emotional intelligence and insights; its purpose is to nourish, support, and spread knowledge and wisdom.

The Basic Principles of Ba Zi: The Ten Stems – Part 2

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