Ba Zi Astrology for Better Life (6)

Speed up your growth with Chinese Astrology
Speed up your growth with Chinese Astrology
There are many ways a person can encourage personal growth, gain fulfillment and achieve prosperity.
One of the best is certainly by using Chinese Astrology; enabling you to get in touch with the very foundation of Life.
We offer four simple ways for you to learn more about your Life with Chinese Astrology and tune in with the flow.
Chinese Astrology books
Rethink your life. Understand the current moment. Anticipate changes. Read Althea’s awarded Chinese Astrology Book for practitioners: A Course in Chinese Astrology.
Get your copy from the limited hardcover edition. (available on our website)
Don’t hesitate, explore the contents of this book!
Or, access the promo offer (two books)…
And there’s more!
Read every book from Althea’s series of Chinese Astrology books for Kindle. In these books, you will learn the basics of the Four Pillars Chinese Astrology, as you will grasp the origins of specific issues, come to understand the probable implications of your own decisions and gain a profound understanding of how to act in order to get the most out of specific situations and times.
Chinese Astrology for Beginners
Chinese Astrology for Health and Wellbeing
Chinese Astrology for Love and Relationships
Chinese Astrology for Wealth and Prosperity
2. A One-to-One Consultation
A One-to-One Consultation is an opportunity for you to learn more about your Life, to get an unbiased view on certain patterns of your destiny (i.e. your limitations and freedoms) and how they can act on you. If you already have any major issues (health, wealth or relationships), a consultation is the ideal opportunity for you to discuss your options on how you can make improvements. It’s very important to define what the actual issue is. If you can’t define it, you can’t change it! To schedule your one-to-one consultation with Althea, send an inquiry here.
3. Chinese Astrology Studies
If you want to become a really knowledgeable and wise consultant, Althea’s Chinese Astrology Studies represent an amazing opportunity for you to raise your levels of awareness. Moreover, you will also learn how to find solutions to specific problems and help others to achieve their purpose. During the one-year study course (presented over four levels), you will come to understand the depths and subtleties of the practice of Four Pillars Astrology. What is also important, you will reconnect with your life and Life in general, which is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Enroll in Althea’s Chinese Astrology studies to become a knowledgeable Life Coach professional consultant!
After completing your studies, you will be offered a specialization and the opportunity to attend workshops which will help enhance your growth and development. To enroll in Chinese Astrology Studies, please send us an email.
4. Private Astrology Sessions
If you want to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights, schedule your Private Astrology Sessions. These classes are an opportunity to study a particular subject in depth. Learn more about relationships, wealth, health, chart structures, Useful God, chart balancing, and so on.
You will also be given practical help and support with your own Chinese Astrology consultations. Discussing different charts will not only increase your knowledge levels but will also help you to become more confident when consulting all types of clients. Learn how to guide others towards creating the best strategies and decisions, mastering the means to transform their own life!
* Depending on the relevant goals and personal arrangements made with Althea, this type of program may also require home study.
To schedule your Personal Chinese Astrology Classes, please send us an email.