Putin and Zelensky in Ba Zi astrology – the background of Ukraine war
Just when the two-year pandemics came to an end, the war has knocked at our door.
After experiencing the worst times of our lives, with lockdown, severe illness, lack of treatment, and post-Covid issues – we were hoping for a break, to charge our batteries and establish a new way of living. However, life, or certain individuals, had something else in their mind…
Although we might want to believe that the war in Ukraine is not our war, that is not quite truth. The things is that ANY war of such grandeur is OUR war, as well. And not only because of the great suffering it creates, that we all should mind, but because Ukraine war has shown (once again!) that antagonism and destruction are inherent parts of human nature.
Since everything that lasts for a while becomes an old news, it might not be so apparent that such war could produce global crises, creating casualties everywhere, not only in Ukraine. The longer the war lasts, the greater tall it will take; upcoming economic havoc might spread all over the world, since havoc doesn’t know borders between the countries. Lack of baby formula in US, rationing of sunflower oil for restaurants in Italy, increasing life costs all over the world, upcoming electricity, gas and gasoline issues … these are just a few outcomes of Ukraine war.
Despite the fact that my opinion doesn’t matter, I still want to say that I don’t approve this war – because I don’t approve ANY war. I believe that it is not okay for anyone to break into their neighbor’s apartment, torturing and murdering them – to achieve their goals and/or get some kind of justice. There is no way to justify murdering people over territory – or for any other reason!
As with every complicated situation in life, there is no simple solution to war. Except that, instead of financing arms, we should better focus on financing negotiations! Instead of taking sides, we should give our voice to peace; pray, write, or speak, to end the war, and thus suffering. Because if it doesn’t end soon, all of us, we will be the real victims in no time.
In this war, as in every happening, condition, and situation, there is a figure and there is a background. The figure in this case is the war in Ukraine, with two main protagonists: Putin and Zelensky. And the background shows that about half of the world get secretly involved in this war, constantly fueling it.
Having said all these, I would like to go back to the main axes of Ukraine war, Mr. Putin, and Mr. Zelensky.
Assessing their Ba Zi charts can tell us more about their character, motives, and – luck, helping us to understand better the background of the war.
Let’s start learnin more with Volodimir Zelensky’s chart!
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